Current One - Have You Ever Rolla Skated
Where are you now and what’s happening?
At home, watching the rain soon turn into snow and dreaming of somewhere else.
What was the first tune you bought?
Crash with The Primitives on vinyl. Me and my cousin usually listened to his older sister's Depeche Mode records, but Crash was the first record I bought with my parents' money.
Ever held down a proper job?
All my life. As long as the ”proper job” involves waveforms, I’m down!
If you could go back in time, where would you stop?
I am a sci-fi nerd, so I would really like to go forward in time! But if I must go back, yesterday will do.
Bottle of red, bottle of white?
Easy… white… with bubbles.
What tune would you happily delete from your back catalogue?
None, I think. I release songs to evolve. Even if there are bad songs released in the past, they contributed to what I make today.
Are you currently sober?
I think so, but what if…
As a superhero, what power would you possess?
My power would definitely be luck. It would be nice to be the lucky one for a change.
Canines or felines?
Cats… the quiet ones.
Who would play you in a movie?
Chris Pratt or maybe Tom Hardy with the look of James Keziah Delaney.
In three words, how would your best friends describe you?
Honest, fair, sympathetic
Most annoyingly over-used phrase?
Can I have some money, dad?
Have you ever gone A.W.O.L?
More often than I would admit and I admit nothing.
When did you last bounce on a trampoline?
Last year, with my kids (if you call that bouncing).
Before Stranger Things S4 dropped, had you honestly ever heard of Kate Bush?
Of course. I grew up in the 80s… eh, who am I kidding? I never grew up.
At your dream festival, what would your top three headliners be – dead or alive?
Depeche Mode, New Order and The Smiths.
What’s your pebble skimming record?
Oh, I don’t remember… I know I sucked, but my daughter told me I was good at it, but I don’t trust her so maybe seven?
Worst place you’ve ever slept?
In a tent. It’s either way too hot or way too cold.
Best place you’ve ever slept?
My bed. After a day spent swimming.
Have you ever roller skated?
No, I was a skateboarder… just like Walter Mitty.