SPCECO - Have You Ever Rolla Skated?
Where are you now and what’s happening?
Rose: I’m at home playing with my son in a paddling pool we’ve set up in the living room watching CBeebies.
Dean: In the garden relaxing in the sun before I make a curry.
What was the first tune you bought?
Rose: mmm bop by Hanson from the local Woothworths.
Dean: Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Ever held down a proper job?
Rose: Surprisingly yes! I sold diamonds in Hatton Garden and Bond Street in my early teens into my 20’s. Then went into education where I became the Head of Design and Technology at Churchfields Junior School until I had my Son in September last year.
Dean: Many, Wimpy Bar chef at 16, market trader, Harlequin record shop assistant, Mole Jazz London specialist shop, mail order packer and counter assistance.
If you could go back in time, where would you stop?
Rose: I wouldn’t. If I could, I’d stay right here.
Dean: 1965, Beatles n good times
Bottle of red, bottle of white?
Rose: Freezing cold sauvignon blanc. Cheers.
Dean: Crisp dry very cold white
What tune would you happily delete from your back catalogue?
Rose: None.
Dean: Nothing from SPCECO. Ice That Melts The Tips by Curve.
Are you currently sober?
Rose: Sadly yes.
Dean: As a Judge
As a superhero, what power would you possess?
Rose: I’d make portals so I could travel anywhere I wanted in seconds.
Dean: (Matter Transportation)
Canines or felines?
Rose: Cats, they just don’t give a fuck.
Dean: Cats
Who would play you in a movie?
Rose: It’s a tie between Jennifer Lawrence and Kathy Burke.
Dean: Bruce Lee
In three words, how would your best friends describe you?
Rose: Perfectionist, Selfless and Funny.
Dean: Funny, peculiar and melancholy.
Most annoyingly over-used phrase?
Rose: “I don’t mind what they do as long as they don’t rub it in my face…”
Dean: I’m not racist but…
Have you ever gone A.W.O.L?
Rose: Yes, at the opera in London. Got up to go to the loo and just never went back in. Wondered the streets in the West End and got a McDonald’s on the way home. One of the best decisions I ever made.
Dean: Once in Detroit, big mistake. Never get off the tour bus on your own
When did you last bounce on a trampoline?
Rose: A month or so ago, at soft play with my son.
Dean: On a mini one for ten seconds 30 years ago
Before Stranger Things S4 dropped, had you honestly ever heard of Kate Bush?
Rose: I had! But love what they did with it in ST.
Dean: Yes. First time round for me, but I have no interest in watching Stranger Things.
At your dream festival, what would your top three headliners be – dead or alive?
Rose: The Prodigy, The Strokes and Radiohead
Dean: Prodigy - Chem Bros - Prods again.
What’s your pebble skimming record?
Rose: 1 mate, I’m shit at it.
Dean: 500
Worst place you’ve ever slept?
Rose: Whipps Cross hospital, Mulberry Ward.
Dean: Moving tour bus bunk with a hangover
Best place you’ve ever slept?
Rose: My bed.
Dean: My bed at home
Have you ever roller skated?
Rose: Love it. Went to roller skating club every Wednesday in primary/junior school. The last time got my skates on was in Margate for my 30th Birthday and I had the rink all to myself.
Dean: once years ago on quads, def not for me. Rose is brilliant on them.